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Аджай Великолепный

1313: Вот, беру на себя смелость открыть эту тему (да простит меня Эстерленок наш) [img src=/gif/sm/sm13.gif] Аджай Великолепный - именно такой эпитет мне всегда приходит в голову, когда вижу его на экране. Он такой... Потрясающий мужчина, одним словом. А впервые я этот термин применила после просмотра "Беглянки" - потому как дал там Аджай со своим взглядом, классными усами и в деревенском наряде [img src=/gif/sm/sm13.gif]

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wichy: Lo пишет: Я понял - это намек, я все ловлю на лету. Подходяще, подходяще Лучше бы она, когда по магазинам ходит, еды ему не забывала купить.... А я вчера читала журнальчик какой-то, там про день варенья Абхишека писали, перечисляли приглашенных... Так вот, там написано, что когда Джая Баччан увидела Аджайчика, она сказала, что ему нужно набрать вес. Мы не одиноки Akki пишет: "Когда мы были рысаками"... Красавец, просто обалдеть... тем паскуднее кажется его вид на современной фотке.

Биайна: Алёна отличная интервьюшка..

1313: wichy пишет: Так вот, там написано, что когда Джая Баччан увидела Аджайчика, она сказала, что ему нужно набрать вес. Хоть бы он это услышал

Akki: 1313 пишет: wichy пишет: Так вот, там написано, что когда Джая Баччан увидела Аджайчика, она сказала, что ему нужно набрать вес. -------------- Хоть бы он это услышал лучше б она его накормила

1313: Akki пишет: лучше б она его накормила

1313: Итак, что я хотела сказать в теме про Айш о фильме "Лондон дримз". Как известно, в актерах там ходит Аджу и Салу Насколько я поняла с "синопсиса", это будут в некотором роде переделывать одноименный мюзикл Эндрю Ллойда Веббера и А.Р.Рахмана, который долгое время с успехом шел в Лондоне. Но что меня смутило... Это будет история о двух главных героях, которые становятся звездами в рок-группе Но у меня в голове как-то не укладывается, как Аджай и Салман будут рок-звездами? Оба уже далеко не мальчики, и вот их, потрясающими патлами на сцене, я никак не представляю Ну и из Аджая рок-музыкант... Ну еще композитор - да, а вот все остальное - в моем нонешнем понятии нет

Эстер: 1313 пишет: Ну и из Аджая рок-музыкант... и чем тебе не нравится Аджай в роли рок-музыканта, а? ты, я смотрю, "затюкала" совсем мужика - и в горошек он ей не нра, и в "перышках" он - ей не нра, и курит он - ей не нра, и водку жрет - не нра, в музыканты подался - ну тоже не нра... шо такое, в самом-то деле... "аджаистка", елки-палки... а мне вот твой крен в сторону сунилов да ядавов тоже не нра... Значицца, как мене на Удая облизываться - так выговор в личное дело и фейсом об тейбл , а как сама глазками зыркает по сторонам, на усяких там дохляков засматривается да на неандертальцев западает - эт пожалуйста... Фи, Натаська! Ну и лана, ну и пусть... мне больше аджайтины достанецца... пьяненький, страшненький, тощенький, но весь мой...

wichy: Эстер пишет: , страшненький, тощенький, но весь мой... Не тока твой, не тока... мы его хоть и критикуем, но при возможности и такого к рукам приберем - уже потом протрезвим, откормим, обиходим - и будет он лучче прежнего

Эстер: wichy пишет: мы его хоть и критикуем, но при возможности и такого к рукам приберем не-не, погодь , эт какая у вас там возможность предоставится? ишь, хитрая какая... я его, панимаш, люблю таким, какой он есть, принимаю со всеми его мнимыми и явными недостатками, а они после всего того, что наговорили, хотят его в свои жадные объятья заграбастать? не пройдет у вас ентот номер... время показало, ху из ху... я тут молча наблюдала, как вы его по по запчастичкам разбирали: и в педики чуть ли не записали - раз, и в алкоголиках он у вас ходит - два, и худой он вам не надоть - три... так шта, деушки, - можете быть свободны! а мы не такие разборчивые, в апельсинах не ковыряемся... мне любого подавай, я его возьму и спасибо скажу...

Lo: Интервью с Аджаем “I’m not keen or looking forward to working with Kajol” He’s unconventional in many ways; both in terms of his looks and films, but that didn’t stop him from excelling both in action, romantic, parallel cinema and in personal life too. He has a superstar as his wife and when asked about how he coped with the pressure of having a star as a housewife at home, he laughs. “We share a normal husband wife relation at home and if there’s any star at home, it’s our daughter. Nysa,” he says comfortably seated by the poolside at a Goa 5-star hotel, on the sets of Golmaal.. He’d packed up early since he was recovering from a bout of food poising. “We went to a dhaba last night and tried some local fish. I think it wasn’t fresh,” he says. And though Ajay is strictly a non –vegetarian, today he prefers to skip his favourite dish of fresh squid and sip on a drink instead. “My doctors told me to choose between beer and non-veg and I decided to choose the former,” he winks So what dragged him to Goa in such humid weather? “We’ve been trying to wrap up the shooting of Golmaal, and I’m very kicked about it because we had such great fun shooting for it,” he says lighting his 5th cigarette in less than 5 minutes. So many did he puff at in a day, we can’t help but ask? “Oh, please don’t ask. I tried counting, but always ended up losing track,” he informs and adds “But smoking hasn’t affected me; I have lots of stamina. I can run on the treadmill for hours on end and my trainer has to force me off it.” Golmaal seems to be like any other comedies that are being churned out by dozen in Bollywood? “It’s not! When I was narrated the script I was in splits throughout. I don’t believe in forced and slapstick comedies that try to create something out of nothing. I believe in situational comedies, something that is creative. I can never make people laugh by making faces,” he adds. Also, Ajay says he hates to cater to a particular formula and image even if it works for him. “For me it doesn’t work like that. I just believe in good or bad films. Actually it’s all depends on how I get up in the morning how excited I am to go to work. If I’m excited then I know I’m doing a good movie and if that doesn’t happen then something is wrong with the film,” he replies. And how often was that feeling? “Oh, very often. I’m like ‘Oh shit! Not again today!’, but then because you’re committed to it, you can’t help it. Then I relax knowing I can’t do anything about it. One shouldn’t regret things that are not in your control. I don’t sit and sulk when my films don’t do well,” he states. Does he mean that other actors did? “I heard some do, though I have no proof of it,” he laughs. He’s also unconventional in the way he thinks. While every actor in Bollywood was busy with shows aboard, he was always anti the idea. “I don’t believe in shows. I’m not comfortable with the whole idea of appearing onstage and dancing for money. I know it is lot of money and I keep getting offers, but no!” he avers. If money wasn’t the criteria then how come he ended up doing some pretty mediocre films? “Look, I’m not God. I make mistakes. I regret some and I don’t regret some. Both ways. I did some films for emotional relationships. I did them to help out friends in need. But I shouldn’t be making such mistakes in the future,” he says. So no more emotional mistakes? “Yeah at some time you realize that it’s better to stick to your professionalism,” he confides. Ajay obviously shared an emotional rapport with Prakash Jha? “Yeah, we share a different rapport and besides that he’s has given me good films like Gangajaal and Aparahan, I’m proud of my association with him. And we’ll be starting a film together soon, called Rajniti. Which brought us to all his brand endorsements. He and Kajol were suddenly all over TV with their joint-commercials. “Nahin yaar, we must’ve done 2 or 3 ads together” he clarifies. I wasn’t sure about doing ads earlier, then I got going” he says. Uncomfy? And Ajay? He was almost coy, “Yeah, kind of. See, basically I’m a very lazy guy, but I started enjoying it because it’s tough doing commercials. In movies you have the leisure of 3 hours while in Ads you are given 5 seconds and within that time you have to say so much and yet look genuine,” he informs. Since he’s already started appearing with Kajol in ads, were movies together the next step? “I don’t know. It’s a little difficult for both of us to work together,” he informs. “Because we both have to get excited about the subject at the same time and tell me which husband and wife shares the same passion and interest, “ he jokes and adds “ If it happens, its good but if doesn’t, it ok. I’m not keen or looking forward to work with Kajol.” And what about the reclusive nature of Mr Devgan? Was it a ‘starry attitude’? “Hey, nothing of that sort. I was born like this and it’s a habit, I guess it’s too late to change it. You can call it my nature!” http://movies.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1530963,curpg-12.cms

1313: Эстер пишет: пьяненький, страшненький, тощенький, но весь мой... И мой. Весь. Полностью. И никаких Эстер Всегда говорила и буду говорить, что люблю его любого, хотя наибольший визг в поросячей тональности вызывает он в период 1999-2002 гг.: "Человеческая подлость", "Влюбленный воришка", "Подмена", "Виражи судьбы" и другие У него там стрижечка такая (облизываюсь). И еще. Тут прошла инфа на сайте Юлии Катран, что он недавно подписал контракт на рекламу алкогольной продукции... Бедный мужик, зарабатывает деньги, как может. И как после этого не спиться, а? А если ему еще дадут "натурпродукта" в качестве рекламы в количестве ящиков? Бедный Аджайка, приезжай ко мне на запасную квартиру

nelke: 1313 пишет: он недавно подписал контракт на рекламу алкогольной продукции... Бедный мужик, зарабатывает деньги, как может. ны пырыжывай Вон Шилпа тоже вродь будет бутылке с водкой улыбаться в рекламе, мож это щас модно в Болливуде

Akki: 1313 пишет: он недавно подписал контракт на рекламу алкогольной продукции... наверно решили, что он очень будет убедителен в этом амплуа

nelke: Akki пишет: наверно решили, что он очень будет убедителен в этом амплуа я тогда теряюсь в догадках - чем будет убеждать Шилпа ?

1313: nelke пишет: я тогда теряюсь в догадках - чем будет убеждать Шилпа Она, наверное, всем своим видом будет говорить: "Выпей бутылочку водки "ТАкая-то", и тебе все девушки будут казаться Шилпой Шетти" Akki пишет: наверно решили, что он очень будет убедителен в этом амплуа Не, там история другая была. Предлагали одной великой звезде, второй, а они денег захотели больших и хороших. А Аджушка, наверное, согласился на меньшие, но часть - натурой.

wichy: Угу, мы уже обсуждали, что он будет спиртное рекламировать. Еще тогда прикалывались, что его надо на рекламу минздрава "Курение и спиртное доведет вас до такого же вида" :-)

Akki: 1313 пишет: А Аджушка, наверное, согласился на меньшие, но часть - натурой. а с Шилпой тогда чем расплачиваться будут???

nelke: 1313 пишет: "Выпей бутылочку водки "ТАкая-то", и тебе все девушки будут казаться Шилпой Шетти" Akki пишет: а с Шилпой тогда чем расплачиваться будут??? наверное она это просто из любви к рекламе-двигателю прогресса делает

1313: nelke пишет: Akki пишет: цитата: а с Шилпой тогда чем расплачиваться будут??? наверное она это просто из любви к рекламе-двигателю прогресса делает Неет, она точно из-за любви к денежкам - красивым и зеленым с портретами всяких лысых дядек wichy пишет: Угу, мы уже обсуждали, что он будет спиртное рекламировать. Ой, извините, давно не была

nelke: 1313 пишет: денежкам - красивым и зеленым с портретами всяких лысых дядек а что - те, на которых зайчики и прочая лесная живность нарисована, то уже и не денежки

Akki: ну и как тут будешь отрицать, что он - великолепный??? балллдю...

nelke: Akki пишет: ну и как тут будешь отрицать, что он - великолепный??? гы...а хто тут отрицает?

wichy: Akki пишет: ну и как тут будешь отрицать, что он - великолепный??? Классная фотка!!!! А руки-то, руки.... я тащусь....

nelke: wichy пишет: А руки-то, руки.... я тащусь.... а фирменный Аджаевский взгляд...

Akki: wichy пишет: А руки-то, руки.... я тащусь.... вооот!!! я тож... значит, придется делить... тебе какая больше нравится, правая или левая???

nelke: по-моему это деление Аджая на части где-то уже было

Soniya: Ajay’s range: Omkara to Golmaal Saibal Chatterjee June 7, 2006 Ajay Devgan is one of Bollywood’s finest contemporary actors. Over the last decade, he has built up a formidable reputation as a solid screen performer endowed with the innate ability to articulate inner anguish better than most other actors in the business today. In July, however, the ‘serious’ Devgan persona will be offset a little by a lighthearted star turn. Though his brooding intensity is undeniably his stock in trade, the actor is fully mindful of the need to occasionally break away from that image. “In a span of less than a month, I will have two releases that are completely different in terms of flavour and the challenges that they throw at me as an actor – Vishal Bhardwaj’s Omkara and Rohit Shetty’s Golmaal,” says Devgan. While Omkara is slated to hit the screen on July 28, Golmaal is due in the theatres two weeks earlier. Over the last decade, Ajay has built up a formidable reputation as a solid screen performer. “Golmaal,” says the soft-spoken actor, “is a frothy comedy which has me in a role that is completely different from the one that I play in Omkara.” In recent times, fans have seen the two-time National Award winning actor in films like Gangaajal and Apaharan, both directed by Prakash Jha, and the low-key chamber piece, Rituparno Ghosh’s Raincoat. Earning rave reviews for his smouldering performances come rather easy to Devgan. That is probably why he is stuck with an unrelentingly sombre screen persona. That image has been strengthened by the fact that Devgan has in recent times attempted roles with varying shades of grey, notably in Anees Bazme’s Deewangee, Rajkumar Santoshi’s Khakee, Soham Shah’s Kaal and John Matthew Mathan’s Shikhar. He hasn’t been that lucky with his comic roles though. He did deliver a hit with Indra Kumar’s Ishq nearly a decade ago and then followed that up a couple of years back in the small but well-received role of Inspector Sikander in the breezy marital comedy, Masti, directed by Indra Kumar again, but Devgan hasn’t quite acquired the image of an actor who is comfortable with the comic strain. The biggest comedy of his career, David Dhawan’s Hum Kisise Kum Nahin, co-starring Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt and Aishwarya Rai, came completely unstuck at the box office four years ago. That was probably one reason why Devgan turned with vengeance to films with serious themes and off-the-beaten-track characters. From a film that transplants William Shakespeare’s Othello to the crime-infested badlands of Uttar Pradesh to a wild comic romp that teams him up with Shahid Kapoor and Sharman Joshi, Devgan will traverse the entire range that a Bollywood star can ever hope to. While it will be no surprise if he walks away with unstinted plaudits for his performance in the title role in Omkara, Golmaal is the film some of his fans will keep an eye on. Will Ajay Devgan be able to finally pull off an out-and-out comic triumph in the sea of intensity that he is usually surrounded by these days?

wichy: Akki пишет: тебе какая больше нравится, правая или левая??? На этой фотке правая (ее лучше видно), а вообще возьму любую :-) От взгляда тоже не откажусь. Класссный он все-таки....:-)

1313: wichy пишет: Классная фотка!!!! А руки-то, руки.... я тащусь.... От. Я про то ж. Ручки у него, пальчики... ВАУ!!! Akki, а откуда вообще картинка-то (в смысле, из какого кинца или так, з жицця)?

Akki: 1313 пишет: Akki, а откуда вообще картинка-то (в смысле, из какого кинца или так, з жицця)? а вот если б некоторые заглядывали в пропертиз то увидели бы там следующее: teramerasaathrahen а вообще это жизненная фотка, судя эвордовской по сатуэтке

1313: Akki пишет: жизненная фотка, судя эвордовской по сатуэтке Нет, ну стоило так выпендриваться про пропертиз, шо бы в итоге прийти к такому выводу!

Akki: 1313 пишет: Нет, ну стоило так выпендриваться про пропертиз на будущее, мать, на будущее учись, студент, мотай на ус (мож, он тут про это кыно рассказуеть, раз в названии прописано )

1313: Akki пишет: учись, студент, мотай на ус Я мотаю, но не всегда время есть это самое мотать... К статье, опубликованной Сонией. Ну что у них за паника, что Девган не может играть комедийные роли? Да может, еще как Последний пример для меня - момент, где он в "Людские заботах" (Insan) забывает сказать заранее врученные ему слова, а Акки ему это напоминает - умора! КАКОЙ ВИД при этом Хотя там весь фильм очень смешной, но этот момент... Это вообще

1313: Ну вот, девочки, ну скажите мне, НУ КАК МОЖНО НЕ ВЛЮБИТЬСЯ В ТАКОГО МУЖЧИНУ???? Сообщение из новостей на сайте Юлии Катран: ... в октябре этого года Каджол и Амир отправятся в шоу-турне по Америке. Хотя Амир сначала отказался, очевидно, сумма гонорара возымела свое действие. Аджай Девган и дочь Ньяса будут сопровождать мамочку Каджол в ее поездке.

JULI@: Мне Аджай не очень нравится...Есть конечно неплохие роли, но мне кажется он не реализовывает себя до конца!

Lo: http://www.allbollywood.com/v2/bd/stc/nws/2006/7/18/18982.shtml Ajay Devgan has been in the industry for 16 years now, and has come a long way since his beginnings in Hindi Cinema. Having come from the average looking 19-year-old to the suave actor he is today. Nevertheless, Devgan says he isn't one could call his a 'success story'. "I can say that it's partly a success story," he smiles and adds, "Because I've achieved whatever little on my own terms and that makes me proud. Being the son of a successful action director was a plus point." Although Ajay is one of the finest actors in the industry, it seems the Khans rule the marquee - especially Shah Rukh and Aamir. "There's no question of comparison. I have no notion that I have arrived. When I talk of success, I know how I got it. I see myself still struggling. For me, box office success depends from film to film. Today I am here, tomorrow I may not be," he smiles. In an industry where conventional good looks normally rule, Ajay, with his dark, brooding looks has made his own mark. Ajay Devgan has a unique sex appeal to many women. "Really? I take that as a compliment," he says bashfully looking away. "Looks have never been my priority. I avoid looking at mirrors and I don't know why. I have people to take care of the way I look. For me, when I am doing a shot, where I am required to look messy, and my makeup man comes up to wipe the sweat from my face or organise my hair, I push him away. Sometimes I make fun of my co-stars who keep peering at the mirror. They feel offended. When I think somebody is good looking or hot, I feel it's because of the complete persona. Madhubala had that zing." As often happens, Ajay has been linked with most of his co-stars. "I don't think so, and if it is so, then it's a part of being here. Where do we have the time to spend with our co-stars?" When asked to define love, he replied, "You cannot explain love, you have to feel it. It has to be understood," he says and adds, "Lust is something that's present in everyone, including animals. It's human to lust. It's only society that controls it." Ajay says no offers for films with wife Kajol have been appealing as of yet. So, what co-star does he think Kajol looks best with? "No clue. We don't discuss work at all," he says nonchalantly. On that note, Ajay also denies reports that he has ever kept Kajol from working with Shah Rukh Khan. "These are such stupid rumours. If I didn't like him, she wouldn't have worked with him. I would have convinced her not to work with him but then why should I do something like that? They have worked together even after these rumours." Asked to comment about today's crumbling marriages, Ajay says, "Problems existed even before. But then, women were trained not to speak about their personal problems. Today, people are not willing to hide their problems anymore." What's the secret for a successful marriage? "Marriage either works or doesn't. Yes, understanding, space, and giving one the benefit of doubt are important for a marriage to last," he says. Now that Nysa is older, will they be having another baby? "Not thought about it as yet. If I have one more child, I fear my attention from Nysa will be divided and I can't think of such a thing happening."

Lo: Ajay Devgan has not seen 'Fanaa'! Believe it or not, Ajay Devgan has still not seen his wife Kajol starrer 'Fanaa', which released nearly two months ago! He was so tied up with 'Omkara', 'Golmaal' and then Rajkumar Santoshi's 'Halla Bol', that he hasn't had the time to watch 'Fanaa'. Hopefully he'll watch it soon, if not for himself, at least to please his wife.

wichy: Интервью Аджая по поводу выхода Омкары screenindia.com Class apart Namita Nivas Posted online: Friday, July 28, 2006 Ajay Devgan takes on the mantle of the main lead in Omkara, the adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello ... Within two weeks of the release of Golmaal - Fun Unlimited wherein you had a comic role, you are playing a serious character in Omkara. How would you describe this role of yours? For me, Omkara is a love story. I am playing the title role, that of Omkara, an outlaw who has a group of people working for him; like Saif Ali Khan, Viveik Oberoi and others. The film is so vast in structure and content that it cannot be described in brief. So this is another love story ...? Hey, please don’t go to see the film with the misconception that Omkara is like any other typical mainstream Hindi film. Of course, love stories have been made 10,000 times but what is important is how well it has been handled. This is the first time you are working with Vishal Bhardwaj. How was he as the captain of the ship? Vishal has done a very good job. His adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello is fantastic. He had done his homework thoroughly before starting the film which made things very easy not only for him as a maker but for all the others involved in the project. Omkara will prove how much Indians and Indian films have evolved. The film has been made aesthetically and from the heart. The look, emotions, backdrop and each character is out of this world. It is a class apart. Omkara has to be seen to believe what a good film Vishal Bhardwaj has made. His Maqbool and Makdee were good examples of what a fine craftsman he is. And humble that he is, Vishal was open to all suggestions. Of course, it was not taken seriously every time though. (laughs) Have you read Othello? And how much research did you do for your role in the film? Yes. I have read the play, but only some of it. As for research, I just followed the director’s instincts. And, according to you, how different is Omkara from any other Hindi film? As I said earlier, you have to see the film to realise the hard work and passion that has gone into the film. It is different, yet not so different. The dialect spoken in the film is supposed to have been difficult to mouth for the actors. Is that so? The language used in the film is not the normal UP bhaasha. But nonetheless, once we got the hang of it, soon we were very comfortable with it. Vishal made things easy for everyone. And for the first time, you have even bared your chest a la Salman style for the film. Yes, because the script demanded it. How important is Omkara in your career-graph of films? It holds a special place in my heart. You will see a different Ajay Devgan in the film. As a two-time National award winner, are you looking for another trophy this time as well with Omkara? It is a major responsibility being a National award winner as expectations rise every time I do a good film. Of course, awards are welcome but only the deserving ones should get it. As for me, it is a natural tendency on my part to give my best to everything I do and so I have put in my 200 percent in Omkara as well. Besides playing the main lead, what else was your contribution in Omkara? Nothing really. I guess the fact that Vishal’s ideas matched with mine made a lot of difference to the character. When a script is narrated to you, what do you look for in your character? I take up a film only if the role excites me. Otherwise what is the mazaa in doing a project? Also I feel, a job is a job and I have to do my best always. You have completed 16 years in the industry. Can you recall the turning point in your career that took you to great heights of popularity? No such thing happened in my career. I started with Phool Aur Kaante and have done several films till date. I have worked hard in every film and when people do not accept it, I take it in my stride. I believe in moving on and doing even better next time. There is no time for brooding here. It is known that more than anything else, you enjoy doing action films. Isn’t it? Yes, but even then I don’t stick to one genre only. I believe in maintaining a balance and doing all types of films. What do you have to say about the remaking of old classics? It is not galat to do so as long as you accept the fact that you are copying someone else’s idea. It is only fair to the original maker. Are you doing any? I am playing Veeru in the remake of Sholay. What other projects do you have on hand at present? I am doing Gulel, London Dreams, Saamna and Benaam. One final question, has Kajol seen Omkara? Yes and she has liked it a lot.

wichy: Сравните: Lo пишет: Ajay Devgan has still not seen his wife Kajol starrer 'Fanaa', which released nearly two months ago! wichy пишет: One final question, has Kajol seen Omkara? Yes and she has liked it a lot. Аджай проявляет, судя по всему, поразительное равнодушие к творчеству своей второй половины :-( wichy пишет: Are you doing any? I am playing Veeru in the remake of Sholay. What other projects do you have on hand at present? I am doing Gulel, London Dreams, Saamna and Benaam. А я думала, что и Sholay, и Saamna тихо загнулись...

Lo: wichy пишет: А я думала, что и Sholay, и Saamna тихо загнулись... Шолай нет, а Саамна стоит в проектах, но съемки не начаты...

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