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viki: перевод: Мисс Энгланд, чтобы Играть главную роль в B'wood Кино Победитель мисс Энгланда Элеонор Глайнн был отобран, чтобы играть роль в музыкальных 'Камнях Индии, кино, направленное Aditya Властью(Царством) Kapoor. 21-летний Глайнн от Sandford-Темзы, сказал, что она была восхищена выиграть одну из ведущих ролей в кино. Съемка должна начаться в Лондоне позже в этом месяце, коротко(вскоре) прежде, чем она передает ее корону мисс Энгланда. Она будет играть главную роль рядом с Мимохом Чакрабортайом, сын популярного актера Митана Чакрабортай. Глайнн сказал 'Оксфордской Почте', что она была взволнована, чтобы получить ведущую роль в фильме. В январе, Глайнн был помещен в запас, чтобы принять участие в 'Знаменитости Большой Брат ', но имел долгие размышления после запугивания Шилпы Шеттай соседом по дому, заездили Goody. В прошлом году, Глайнн принял участие в Bollywood танцующая выставка, затем встретил(выполнил) ряд Bollywood режиссеров, чтобы обсудить возможность появления в кино. Она сказала во время: "я думаю, что есть определенно промежуток на рынке для британской девочки, встречающей азиатского парня в одном из этих фильмов, и мы будем видеть то, что случается. " Организатор мисс Энгланда Энджи Бислей сказал: "я думаю, что это могло быть началом большой карьеры для Элеонор. Она любит танец Bollywood и будет выполнять танец Bollywood в национальном финале мисс Энгланда в Лестере 30 июня, когда она передает ее корону. "Элеонор - не примадонна - она сходится с людьми от всех слоев общества. Мне жаль, что мы не можем дать ей специальное вознаграждение, потому что она была лучшей мисс Энгландом, которую мы когда-либо имели. " Ранее в этом году, Глайнн, который появился в мисс Уорлде и мисс соревнования Европы, сказал, как она была отклонена тремя главными(высшими) образцовыми агентствами - потому что она была "слишком большая" в размере 10. Глайнн - кто - 5 футов, 9 дюймов и весит восемь с половиной камней - дал разговор в Оксфордском Союзе о ее опыте и убеждал молодые модели не идти на диетах крушения(краха).

Алёна: ужасная она какая-то...

Xenia: Алёна : ужасная она какая-то... Да... Страшна... Правда, может, просто фотка неудачная.

viki: А па мне то она савсем красивинькая (на вкус и цвет таварища нет ) Надеюсь она небудет выше Мимошки

Дана: viki : Она будет играть главную роль рядом с Мимохом Чакрабортайом Ответ Мита -Амиту, типа и мы не пальцем деланные, если у вас Мисс Мира, то у нас Мисс Англия, и даже голубоглазая брюнетка, а уж все остальное не важно(выше-ниже, страшная-ужасная и т.д. и т.п.)

Елена3: VIKI 1 фут - 30 см., 1 дюйм - 2,5 см., так что выше Мимоха она никак быть не может. Внешность..... посмотрим, какая будет в фильме, возможно там будет получше..... От женщин в инд. кино зачастую требуется только внешность, а, учитывая, что Мимох и сам по себе не хуже других (а если еще и генетика скажется.. .), то партнерша для него такого значения, как для некоторых других, иметь не должна. Мимошка, принимай эстафету ...

Аленка: Дана : Ответ Мита -Амиту, типа и мы не пальцем деланные Не согласна!!!Вряд ли Мит кому-то что то будет доказывать или показывать...

Елена3: Да уж, меньше всего Митхун думает о том, чтобы кому-то что-то доказывать

Дана: Аленка : Вряд ли Мит кому-то что то будет доказывать или показывать... А все равно так получается, хотит он этого или не хотит, хотя бы в наших глазах...

Xenia: Дана : хотит он этого или не хотит, хотя бы в наших глазах... "На каждый роток не накинешь платок!" (народная мудрость)

Елена3: Бедный Митхун, теперь забота появилась - доказывать нашим форумчанкам, ..........правда, что, он и сам не знает...... ему ну просто жизненно необходимо выглядеть не хуже других в глазах неведомых зрителей... Девчонки, наши 20 см. не только Иришке покоя не дают ...... Похоже, некоторым товарисчам встречались экземпляры, полученные..хм... нетрадиционнными методами зачатия , однако, заметьте, что сомнений в том, что Мит делал Мимоха при помощи не пальцев, не возникает..... Иришки - они не ошибаются в выборе объектов своего... интереса... .. гы... Аленка, заскочи в личку

Аленка: Дана : А все равно так получается, хотит он этого или не хотит, хотя бы в наших глазах... я не поняла,а почему получается-то??????Потому что эта девушка тоже Мисс? Да и Мимошка вроде только собрался с ней сниматься, а не жениться И уж тем более в НАШИХ глазах...Это Дана только твое мнение, а не наше!

Аленка: Елена3 : Девчонки, наши 20 см. не только Иришке покоя не дают ...... Тонко подмечено! и все остальное тоже

Олеся1985: Нашла большое интересное интервью с Митенькой от 14 января этого года, может, кто уже постил его тут? http://thirtymm.com/interview/details_127.html I would like to direct and be a success at that too" Interviewed by Indu Mirani In the recently released Guru, Mithun Chakraborty proved once again why he is one of the most outstanding actors of his generation and a three time National Award winner. In this interview he rolls back time and speaks about his beginnings and where they took him both as an actor and as an entrepreneur. You are one of those actors who came from a good background, but started off with really nothing in Bombay. Can you recall those days? Actually, very frankly, I didn’t come here to become an actor. The most interesting part is destiny, which I believe in. I am a non-believer of God, but destiny I believe in, because a man who did not have any such ambition became an actor in the 80s and 90s became one. Sometimes I wonder why I was brought here from Calcutta. I thought I would stay for just a month and that when things were settled in Calcutta, I would return. Settled? Politically it was a very hot time there. I am talking about 1968-69. I came to Bombay on September 11, 1969. After coming here, I heard that it was not good at home, that I could not go back; I didn’t know what to do. A friend told me he was going to Pune and wanted a companion. As I did not have any work at the time, I accompanied him. In Pune, I saw the film institute and heard that there actors and directors are ‘made’ – they are trained there. So I applied for admission. I was called to the films division of Bombay and auditioned, but in Bengali, because I had no fluency in Hindi or English, though I had studied the languages in college. At the audition, the judges were literally stunned - they did not expect such an uncommon guy. Jaya Bachhan, who was Jaya Bhaduri at that time, said, “You are just too much”. Suddenly I felt I had become an actor. But the irony was that when they called me for an interview, they told me that in Calcutta, too, there was an institute, and asked why I didn’t audition there. At that point, I could not answer. So they asked me is I was politically involved. And, like a foolish man, I spoke the truth and was immediately denied admission, because I was involved with violent politics. That one year was the worst time of my life. Why? I had no place to sleep; no money to eat. I had a friend in VJTI Hostel who said that he would share his room with me, but only if I could jump the wall after 12:30 at night, and leave before 4:30 in the morning. So you could only sleep from 12:30 to 4:30? Yes. A friend of mine called Vikram Bhangera made me a member at the Matunga Gymkhana, so I would wake up in the morning and finish my chores, brush my teeth, then be on the road again all day. And I had friends who would give me food - I remember very vividly that for three days I did not have anything to eat, because I had no money. But I had wonderful friends. A good friend in Sion, Gautam Guha, a director, let me stay for a month in his house, but how long can you keep a man? At that time, did you have the obsession to become an actor? The desire to become an actor had risen in me by then, because I had been selected for admission into the film institute. So I met Roshan Taneja, who said, “Who told you to tell them everything? You should have said you come from Bombay or Delhi. But you are a selected candidate, so apply from Calcutta and, if nothing goes wrong, you will be a chosen. So I did that a year later, was selected and then went to the Pune film institute and graduated with flying colours. Do you feel that because of your background you were obsessed with doing something special? I had nothing and looked so different. No one would have thought that I could become an actor in Bollywood. I thought that, too. I would call it more than ‘obsession’. I am a very focused man. If I thought about doing something, then I went for it whole heartedly. Even today, when I choose something that matters to me, I give my whole and soul to it. I do not believe in 99.9 percent. I am not ready to leave that one percent unfinished. I will give 100 percent. And your dancing style was very different for those days. Did you learn that, too, in the institute, or was it inborn? No, I never learnt dance. I was a roadside dancer; I would dance at pujas and I would watch everyone else and dance like them. There was Shammi Kapoor and Jeetendraji, but actually I copied Elvis Presley – he was called ‘Pelvic Presley’, that’s why my pelvic moves were done. Many people made fun of me, saying it was not good, but they didn’t know that I was copying an icon. After that came Michael Jackson – I mixed all these and made a style of my own; the finesse was mine that is why you won’t be able to see that I am copying anyone. Later it was called the Mithun Chakroborthy style’. In fact, after you, when Govinda came on the scene many years later, everybody said he was copying Mithun Chakroborty. Yes, because that became such an ‘in’ thing. So everything was focused on ‘isse accha kaun karega, yah iske jaisa kaun karega’ - it happens with everyone, I think. Did you bowl your directors over with of your dancing style and sense of rhythm? No, my career started as a junior artist. And I did a scene before that which was cut; it was just a passing shot in studio for Chaitali. Then came Mrigaya - Mrinal Sen saw me in the film institute; I did not even know him. Again, I am talking about destiny - a man that I had never met, that I did not even know, had never approached as an actor…that great man was watching me as I sat and played, fooling around with everyone, pulling girls’ hair. He sent a message to someone saying that a very tall guy with a terrific physique is out there - his name starts with M. KK Mahajan, the cinematographer, found me and asked if I was that person. With Mrigaya I got my first National Award. But because I worked barebodied as a tribal boy, I didn’t have much hope for finding roles in commercial films. I thought that since I couldn’t become an actor, at least I could be a villain, a dancing villain, and give everyone a tough time! So I started to dance. I am very obliged to so many people in the industry who also struggled for me - Vinod Khanna, Navin Nischol, Anil Dhawan, Ranjeet, Jayadi, Sunil Dutt, Salim - Salman’s father…everyone would recommend me, but my destiny didn’t work. With Suraksha, the Indian Bond, I became a star. Do you enjoy doing action or romantic, emotional films? I started with dancing and action, then I tried various things – the romantic film Tarana was successful, but after that everything bombed. The turning point came with Disco Dancer in 1985 and then Pyaar Jhukta Nahin. The songs in Disco Dancer are still famous - which is your favourte? Krishna dharti pe aaja tu… And was it difficult to do? No. I love the song - somehow the tone and everything else was nice, so new in the film industry. There was more dancing with the feet than with gestures. After that and Pyaar Jhukta Nahi, also a romance, I suddenly became a star. What would you say was your defining film - Disco Dancer, or Pyaar Jhukta Nahi? Disco Dancer was famous all over the world; it has been dubbed in almost all languages, even Chinese. Did you ever find any song difficult to dance to? No, never. Did you have any classical dance sequence that you had to learn? No, there was no such classical sequence I did, but in Pyari Behna there is a funny version - you will laugh your guts out watching it. But I managed to do it myself. How did you feel about your sudden success? What can be a bigger feeling than this? I had received a National Award and was approached for an interview by the Maya Puri people. I was sitting in Almeida Park, waiting for them to call me. When a journalist finally met me, and asked for an interview, I told him, ‘If you will give me food, I will give you an interview’. And the man was stunned. He bought two packets of biryani, fed me, interviewed me and then wrote about it all over the place. And that time, this success and the happiness – who did you share it with? Nothing has ever happened for me overnight. This success came very slowly. They said Disco Dancer was a flop at first, then they said it was a super hit. I can never say with any guarantee that I enjoyed those years of my life. I was the number one star then, but to start enjoying that…that was not my life. At that time, did you feel that it was not permanent? One hundred percent. Every moment I knew that you can walk for some time in this place; you cannot sit and relax when you like. I was very very aware of it. But, especially when you were on top, did you do anything that you regretted later? Some of the films I did, I should not have done. That they flopped were setbacks. But I had no option. I had a very large family to look after. So that has always been your driving force - the fact that you do things for other people? Yes, may be. That’s why your hospitality business was successful? I don’t know whether I am successful or not. But I do feel that no one gave me an opportunity to do better. I don’t want any publicity, that’s why you will always find me a low profile man. And I remained a very low profile man throughout my career. I don’t have to show anyone anything, I don’t have to impress anyone, I don’t have to tell anyone that I am the greatest guy on earth. When problems started in your career, you took a decision to leave Bombay, and made your main base in Ooty. There you started almost a parallel film industry, employing so many people. How did this idea come to your mind? When my career started going downhill and I felt my innings were over, I decided that I could not stay where I was. But even before that I had plans to start a hotel. I was in love with Ooty, and also very superstitious about the place, since that was where my luck had changed – at least one song in every super hit film was made there. I decided that when I retired, I would settle in a place like that. And then, after my children were born, I took a loan – which was sanctioned immediately because I was the highest tax payer in the country. So I built Monarch Hotel and stood there myself to receive guests and attend to them. I think that has helped me grow as a hotelier. And suddenly my hotel caught on. Today, I have no debts, and that is why I ventured out again. I created a second hotel, then a third; and then I set up a college and a school. When Prakash Mehra told me that he was making Dalal, I said I would do the film, but would do only one shift, not more. He wanted to shoot outside the city. So he made me an offer – if I made the film in Bengali and Hindi, he would shoot it in Chennai and pay me on the day it was done. And today I openly say that the day I did the dubbing, he gave me ten thousand rupees and, as per my promise, I completed the film, which became a massive hit. At the time I was being greedy – I could use whatever money was coming in to pay off my debts on the hotel, so I offered everyone who came to me a package deal: that they could stay at my hotel and finish making the film. I never expected my career to restart with such a bang, that I could run a parallel industry. My stardom was so big. Fate supported me – Dalal was successful and Jallad was a huge hit. And suddenly things started falling into the right place, which I never even dreamed of. How many films did you make at that time? Quite a few – 50, at least. At least one ‘Mithun film’ released every month… Yes, I believed in planning. Everything should be planned. Things can go haywire and no one can take such a big risk. Do you think you experimented a lot in that phase of your career? Yes, I did. Did you do a lot of negative roles? Yes. And the best part was that I got my second National Award, and then my third for playing Ramakrishna Paramhsa. I managed to balance parallel cinema and commercial films very well. The hunger that I had as an actor had to be fed. So it all fell into the right place at the right time. The films that you did were made at a low price and earned a profit – was that part of the plan? Yes, of course, everything was part of the plan - that a filmmaker should come to Ooty for two months, see the location and make the plans. The film would be made as per that. And that is the way we shot. How long were you away from Mumbai? For business, I would come here for a day or two and stay in a hotel; or, when we had a house in Bandra, we stayed there. This we did for almost nine or ten years. And then you came back to the Bombay film industry with Elaan… Before that I did not work at all for two-and-a-half to three years. I was very, very bored with everything. I think that happens with everybody. I thought that I had stopped growing - that’s all. So with business and everything else, I was totally bored. So whatever films would be offered to me, I would refuse. I started doing some parallel cinema - I did Rituparno Ghosh’s Titli - but I rarely ventured out. I lost interest. Then came Elaan, a negative role.. How difficult is it for an actor to maintain a marriage – more so than for a normal person? If you marry a girl from the same profession, it is easier to handle. But if a person from Bollywood marries a person from outside, I think it takes time to adjust. You married Yogita Bali, and have four terrific children with her… Right. Would you recommend marriage to every young person? I think that if you have to marry, marry young. And do not say ‘No children now, we have to enjoy life’. I think that’s very silly; if you want to have children, have them early, or else don’t have them, because when you have turned 45-50 and your son has grown up, he knows how to look after himself. I am very lucky in the sense that my wife has been a very great friend to me. She herself says that the day I stop looking at girls, I should stop work. So I very proudly say that I am the most happily married bachelor. And now your son Mimoh is coming into films… Right. Is this his decision or yours? It is his decision. I was open to it, because I believe in what Chanakyaji said - that till the age of five, treat your child like a flower; between five and 18, keep an eye on them; and after 18, become their friend. And I have brought my children up like that. One day their mother asked me if I had seen Mimoh dance. He was a chubby boy, so I wondered how he would dance, but when he did, I told him, ‘You are horrible! I have never seen anyone dance so badly, ever.” But I could see the rhythm in his legs and that intrigued me, since someone who has rhythm can do something – after all, life is all about rhythm. So I showed him one of my songs, from Dicso Dancer, and asked him to copy it, expressions and all. Do you always need a choreographer for your songs, or you do it on your own? You need a choreographer, because there are many things - like the mood of the song - that you cannot concentrate on as you perform. It’s not that we can’t do it; with experience, every actor can, but a choreographer is necessary. Were there any heroines that you found difficult to dance with, because they had a different style from yours? I never overshadowed anybody when I worked with them. I always took everybody as a friend. So whatever steps they did, I would match. You will not find me doing anything extraordinary. I always moulded myself to be like them.I hold the world record for films in our national language. I have worked with 150 heroines, with the most newcomers. I am happy being what I am. I am a very contented man, happy with little things. Do you have unfulfilled dreams, anything that you still want to do? Yes, I want to direct and be successful at that. Destiny guides me. If it is destined, it will come to me. And in your personal life? I want to see all my children doing better than me. I have a fantastic wife who is a fantastic mother. We have brought up our children very normally, to be very down to earth. Do you think that today actors get better work than they did in your time? Yes, they have many avenues they can explore. Today if an actor is successful, the ad campaigns they get through their work are fabulous. I wish I was born for now – there would be so much more I could do and so many more hotels I could create! Amitabh Bachchan is doing the greatest of all today. It looks like Amitji is born again! Did you ever feel that you missed out on seeing your children grow up, since you were busy working at that time? Mimoh didn’t grow up with me, the rest did. Being in Ooty has given us a lot of bonding time, and for that I will forever remain grateful. But family bonding is such that after a week or so, you feel suffocated. I don’t know how to work on a laptop, but I bought one with a webcam so that I can see my children’s faces through it at night and I am happy. How would you like to be remembered? As a good human being, because nothing is immortal, except your good deeds, no matter how big a star you are. People forget the big stars, so they will forget me, too. But I am very sure that if I can leave something good behind, I will be remembered.

Елена3: Как интересно, о чем интервью ...этого у Надин еще не было?

Алёна: это интервью уже было

Елена3: Алёна Спасибо, тогда я поняла какое

olga: For All, I don't remember the year distinctly. We were probably in class X studying in the Bengali Education Society High School, Dadar. Then, the Marxist problem was on in Kolkata. All of a sudden, one day, a tall lanky guy comes to meet us at Parel, where we used to have daily evening addas at Nare Park. He was a jolly good guy and very nice to speak to. Most of the time, when we were out of school, he used to be with us. Meanwhile, he started making good friends and made good friends with two of Dulal Guha's sons (forget the names). Then suddenly he stopped meeting us and one fine day we see his photo in the newspapers in the advertisement of Mrigaya. He was none other than our very dear friend Mithun Ckakraborty. Ashish Mitra

olga: Mithun Chakraborty turned karate trainer spontaneously on the sets of My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves, turning 35 kids into lean, mean little fighters Mithunda surprised everyone while shooting for E Niwas's film My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves. The actor trained 35 kids for a karate fight sequence, leaving the actual trainers impressed with his knowledge about the fight form. Says a source, "Mithunda and Nikhil Dwivedi were shooting for My Name Is Anthony Gonsalves with 35 kids. The kids had to perform karate action and stunts. There were professional trainers to direct the kids. But the trainer's job was taken over by Mithunda himself, and he did such a brilliant job that the trainers and the actors Nikhil Dwivedi and Pawan Malhotra were amazed. He taught each and every student how to get the fight sequences right." It's a lesser-known fact that Mithun is a black belt karate champion and also a wrestling champion. Mithun says, "I am playing a church priest who also runs an orphanage for young kids. He takes up the task of making the kids independent by making sure that they know how to defend themselves." He adds, "I enjoyed performing the art after a long time. Performing a scene is very different from doing it in real life. I also specialise in the Greek and Roman styles of wrestling and have participated in numerous competitions when I was young." The director was very pleased with Mithun's skills. Niwas says, "He was the one to promote karate in Hindi films like Commando, Taqdeer Ka Badshah and Wardaat. He is amazingly fit even today!" ************** Митхун тренировал 35 детей по карате во время съемок фильма "My name is Anthony Gonsalves" На все руки (ноги) мастер!

Алёна: ну правильно,чё зря черному поясу пропадать....

Елена3: У нас и черный пояс ??!!

Аленка: Елена3 Лен,так что сам справиться ( этой я о том самом)

viki: Елена3 : У нас и черный пояс ??!! Лен а ты что незнала ?! ну ты даеш павнимательней нада читать ево биографию Что бы учит столька детей еще нада и педагогический опыт иметь ,но как сматрю в нево все сложена все Вот одореный человек! все что он вазмется все палучается на све 100% думаю сваих детишек тоже научил этому искуству

Xenia: olga : I am playing a church priest who also runs an orphanage for young kids. А ничего у Нас роль-то!!!!! Да еще и каратист впридачу!!!!!!!!!

Аленка: Хорошо вам, вы понимаете о чем речь

olga: Аленка : А ничего у Нас роль-то!!!!! Да еще и каратист впридачу!!!!!!!!! Ну дык! Аленка : Хорошо вам, вы понимаете о чем речь Он играет священника, который преподает каратэ детишкам Ниче сочетание, да?

viki: olga : Он играет священника, который преподает каратэ детишкам Ниче сочетание, да? Так это у нево будит новый фильм? ой хачу пасматреть такое чудо!!!!!!!! Савременый свещеник

Елена3: Скорее не священник, а что-нибудь типа буддийского монаха, это более правдоподобно...... Неужели в такой роли (с акцентом на каратэ) снимать будут? Я читала, что после операции ему спорт вообще противопоказан.....

Xenia: Елена3 : спорт вообще противопоказан..... Есть спорт, а есть физическая культура. Разница, думаю, понятна.

Xenia: olga : Ну дык! А, главное, детишки в КАКОМ восторге от общения!!!!!! Во повезло!!!!

Аленка: olga Ниче сочетание, да? Да уж...Мит священник-прикол.Каратист это я еще представляю.. Буддийский монах...

Елена3: Ален, ты не видела Мита в такой роли - посмотри ВСЕВЫШНЕГО, он ВСЕ может сыграть...... только предполагаемое сочетание....

olga: Елена3 : Я читала, что после операции ему спорт вообще противопоказан..... Xenia : Есть спорт, а есть физическая культура. Разница, думаю, понятна. Вот именно, это не спорт. И к тому же операция была очень давно.

Аленка: Елена3 : он ВСЕ может сыграть Не сомневаюсь,он же актер-УНИВЕРСАЛ Талантище!

Xenia: Аленка : Буддийский монах... Судя по названию - MERA NAAM ANTHONY GONSALVES - это должен быть все же католический священник. Хотя, как грицца, поживем - увидим.

Дана: Елена3 : после операции ему спорт вообще противопоказан..... Ужосс! Какой еще операции?

nakupenda: Xenia : ANTHONY GONSALVES Мне кажется или мерещется.похожее имя было у Баччана в Амар Акбар Энтони........

Аленка: В фильмах постоянно попадаются одинаковые имена, чего станного?

Елена3: Дана : Ужосс! Какой еще операции? Не бойся, всего только что-то связанное с печенью или почками, но все остальное осталось целым и здоровым..... И про рекомендации врачей он, похоже, давно забыл....... так, что, как говорится, готов к труду и .... ну.. всему..

Аленка: Елена3 : давно забыл....... Забил И теперь готов ко всему и ко остальному тоже..

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